Behind The Scenes At The Races – How Racehorses Are Cared For

A day at the races is as popular as ever, and with events like Cheltenham Gold Cup week attracting thousands of people, not just from Britain but from overseas too, it proves that going to the races is still as popular as ever. Horses are much-loved animals and a lot of hard work goes into looking after them. Of course,, it is not possible for everyone to own a horse, but the next best thing is a bronze horse sculpture from But if you wonder how racehorses are cared for and how much work goes into those amazing creatures, then read on…

The horses first of all, have to be trained by a qualified horse trainer. This takes years to guide them to the perfect racehorses that you see at the races – without the trainers, they wouldn’t be there. They have a daily routine with their trainer, and a feeding schedule, just like a human athlete would have if they were training for the Olympic Games. Having a routine helps the horses as they always know what to expect so they are kept calm and well looked after. They receive massage treatments and specialist therapies to ensure that their bodies are in top condition and that they are not in any discomfort or pain.

Once a horse has trained for long enough, they can finally go and do what they are so good at—racing! As soon as the race is over, the horse is then ‘cooled out’ – this means that they are walked around slowly to let their heart rate return to its normal rate, and to let their muscles cool down (the same as humans do after they finish a work out at the gym). They are given a drink once they have walked around and their heart rate is normal, They will be taken to their stall for this. They are not given any hay or grain for a little while longer, however, as they can choke on it if they haven’t cooled out properly. The horse is then checked over to make sure that they have not suffered any sort of injury during the race. If they have, they will be seen by a qualified equine vet, who will make sure that they are fit and well again before they begin to train for their next race. They have a few days of recovery time after a horse has run in a race, just to give them a chance to relax before training begins again.

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