What Applicants Are Looking For In A Hospitality Job

If you’re looking to recruit a person or a group of people for a hospitality job, it is worth getting into the mindset of the job seeker so you know exactly how to attract them to apply for your job in particular. There are of course many jobs out there in this sector, especially seasonal ones. So how to do you set yourself apart from the rest without paying over the odds for every single candidate? Here is what applicants tend to look for in a hospitality job.

Hours that work for them

It is often a good idea to advertise both part-time and full-time jobs if this can work for your business. Consider parents who are looking after young children but need to work a certain number of hours in order to put food on the table, or even older adults who are looking to do less hours before they retire. Being flexible can win you brownie points with your staff, but as long as these hours are agreed upon and put into their contract so you both know where you stand.

A good hourly rate

Salary will always play a part in someone’s decision. Whilst you can’t pay over the odds just to attract a new member of staff who may well work for you for a few months before leaving (which would be an expense of both time and money for their initial training) – you could offer perks for staff who have been there for longer. For example, perhaps you can advertise a pay raise after a year of service with you, or even an extra couple of days of annual leave. Little things like this can make a big difference to how job seekers perceive you as a company.


Depending on what type of company you are recruiting for, it may well be that your job is only a seasonal one. This is true of those types of businesses such as racecourses or sporting venues where there is a peak season. However, this may work for your applicants if they are aware that you would be willing to take them on the next season without repeating the full interview process. Stability is important for for businesses, when it comes to hospitality recruitment, as people will always be nervous about being out of work.


Another point to consider is how easy it is for employees to reach your business on a day-to-day basis. It can be expensive relying on public transport, especially if the member of staff isn’t on a full time salary. Make it known to them if there are other people travelling to your business from the same area – perhaps they could share a car and split the cost. Taking the time to get to know – and care – about your staff will make them feel like they are an important cog in your organisation and therefore may put more effort into their job.

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