What Is Best Location For Startups In London

One issue facing start-ups is how to take the step from a home-based operation to a staffed office. It is perilously easy to fall into the trap of the law of diminishing returns, as orders do not cover new overheads.

One person with a desk and a computer is a far cry from an outfit which has other employees to pay and a building to maintain. However, in order to grow bigger, such expansion is essential.

For both national and international prestige, a London address is most impressive. As the hub of British commerce, a thriving concern might well want to have a presence in the city. But moving into London, especially from much further afield can be a daunting prospect. This is where calling on the services of one of the many commercial property consultants London has to offer will pay big dividends.

London’s own Silicon Valley

Depending on your business, it can be vital to pick the right area. One area of London that is fast becoming a thriving center for tech start-ups is East London. Some people have even begun to call it Britain’s equivalent of Silicon Valley. Never one to miss out on an opportunity to source upcoming talent, Google UK already has a presence here, with its very own Google Campus. Google is also building a new HQ at Kings Cross, so it is clear the company sees London as a promising site for innovation and talent.

For a digital business, this really is the place to be, not least for the buzzing atmosphere of creativity and the chance to network and bounce ideas around with other like-minded people. These factors can be crucial in fitting in and feeling at home in the right place.

Tech City in East London, which started life known as “Silicon Roundabout” is proof that London business is booming. Start-ups generated £351 million in the last six months of last year. The availability of right business premises for start-ups makes it a wise choice for those with a small team on a tight budget. Almost derelict not so long ago, it has lured in artists to its affordable large warehouse spaces, and in their wake came coffee bars and eateries. The artists were soon followed by gallery owners, and we saw the emergence of a trendy hang-out.

Hipsters come, business follows

Proximity to the city, cheaper rents and a lively atmosphere were a big draw for media and creative types, and after the arts-led drive came the technical geeks. Berg, the company that makes the Little Printer, was one of the first to move into what was then Silicon Roundabout and its CEO speaks highly of the location. He cites the desirability of having people around you who are thinking big thoughts like you are. This is very encouraging for a startup with high hopes. He calls it a neighborhood “for serendipity” where like minds can connect.

Any tech start-up, whether with an app, a new game or an invention would be happily at home in this part of London, UK. Whatever the business, it is imperative to find the right spot for it, and this is where local knowledge and experienced location hunters will serve a start-up superbly.

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Things To Consider Before Making Foreign Currency Exchange

If you are travelling somewhere different then there are many things that you’ll need to think about and all sorts of arrangements that you will need to make. One of the most important is ensuring that you have money to spend whilst you are there. Even if you are only going on a basic holiday you will still need some funds in the local currency to buy essentials.

The thing with foreign currency exchange is that the rates can vary from day to day and from company to company. This is why you really need to shop around and make sure that you buy at the right moment to make sure you get the best value for money.

When you first look at converting your money via a foreign currency exchange you could be forgiven for thinking that a few pence difference in costs since yesterday won’t make a difference. However, if you are going on holiday, then the likelihood is that you are saving up a large amount of money – so it will make a difference!

Don’t leave yourself shortchanged when it comes to getting money for your travels, bide your time and read up information to make sure that you know what deal you are getting and that it is the best possible deal for you. Once you start to look into it and all the options available you’ll probably be quite surprised and just how much difference can be made between two places offering foreign currency exchange.

Thankfully for people in your position, there are loads of ways in which you can make sure that get the best deal. The internet is constantly updated with all the information you need so as long as you spare a few minutes to read up on different websites you’ll be able to find everything you need to know. You may even find websites that have hints and tips on the best places to check when it comes to foreign currency exchange and how you can make sure that you get the best value for your money possible.

About Author:  Content curated by Mauneel Desai, an expert financial advisor who has achieved a good position in the Finance sector with his hard work. You can follow him on Mauneeldesai.com to know more about their services.

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How To Budget For Industrial Machines

The purchase of a large piece of machinery is not something to be taken lightly. It can take some serious thought and planning to decide what the best option would be for a specific company.

Below are some options available for the purchase of heavy equipment in general and tips on which would be best depending on where a company stands.


This would be one of the better options for a just-starting-up business that doesn’t have a very substantial amount of cash handy. Since the payments don’t show up as debt, the company’s financial statement is not affected.

Getting approval for a lease is usually a pretty quick process, sometimes only requiring a few hours. And if the company so desires, maintenance can be included.

Heavy Equipment Financing

Public Banks

This would be the better option for a company that wants to actually own the piece of machinery. The best option would probably be to turn to a bank to help out, since their interest rates would most likely be the best ones you’ll find. However, pristine credit will most likely be required in order for the bank to be willing to let you borrow the money.

Private Investor

If, by chance, the bank turns you down, all hope is not lost. There is always the option for a private investor. Now, the interest rate will not be quite as good as the bank, but the investors’ helpfulness in other areas can make up for the difference.

Hard Money Lender

A third option would be a hard money lender, or an investor with a large amount of money who lives in the area of the company looking for a loan. This would be a private loan, so there aren’t any restrictions or limits on the agreement. This lender could only be interested in a short-term agreement, or they could be interested in owning a portion of the business. This option, however, would probably have the steepest interest rates.


Getting a look at actual numbers for specific machinery can help you to visualize things better. Let’s say you need to buy a plasma cutting table for your business. The prices for these usually run between seven and nine thousand dollars. So, for the sake of simple math, let’s say the one you want costs $8,000.

Suppose your good credits lands you a loan from a bank. You plan on paying the loan off in a year, so the amount you will pay each month is going to be about $667.00 plus interest. The same could go for private lenders, but as was said before, the interest will probably be higher, meaning you will end up paying more as time goes by.

Now let’s say you want to buy a hay baler for $17,000. The same concept applies. It’s a significantly larger amount of money, so let’s say you’re shooting to pay it off in two and a half years. That would be about $567 per month.  John Deere is one company in particular that offers in season cash bonuses, or 0%-3% fixed rates depending on the terms of the contract.

This time, let’s say you are working with a private investor. Your interest payment is going to be somewhat high compared to a bank, but maybe the investor has a mind for the agricultural business. The advice or opinion of this investor to help you make other decisions could make up for the interest you are paying them and help you to make wise financial decisions down the road as well.

There are many options when it comes to financing for large equipment. The company where you buy the equipment should also have financing options, so working with them can be beneficial. After all, you are buying their equipment. Who would know better than them?

In the end, the most important thing to remember is to make sure you are getting equipment of high quality. Without that, any financing you do is wasted.

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Why We Need Experts For Sending Our Good Overseas

Business owners always need experts for marketing of their goods in other countries and promote it globally. Being businessmen, they want to increase sales of their products and gain maximum profit from them, so every businessman has desire not only to sell their products in the market but also trade in the foreign market.To complete this process and finding the correct shipping company, shipping Abroad becomes very important.

Given below are the reasons why one needs experts for sending their good overseas:

Legalized option

The first and the foremost reason why one needs experts for sending their goods overseas is that these experts are legalized and have genuine certifications of oversea trade in their hand. These overseas experts follow the set rules and guidelines associated with the protocols of the overseas trade in order to offer genuine overseas good export services. The business owners although can themselves carry out export of the goods overseas, but they can face tough times as they will not be familiar with the laws and rules of different countries related with goods export or student car shipping. A reputed expert dealing with good export overseas can guide the good owner in a more precise and reliable manner.

Prior expertise

The experts of good export overseas are fully trained and have years of working experience under their belt in order to offer dependable and genuine export services to the trader or good exporter. Most of the registered good exporters have years of knowledge and experience in selling off the different food items to the various nations.

Accustomed to overseas market

The other main reason why one should opt for availing the services of experts for sending their goods overseas is that these experts are fully accustomed to the rules and regulations of the different nations related to the good export or trade. In case the trader or exporter faces any problem these good exporters can offer timely and valuable legal services, related to good export to them and help them solve the given problem.

Make the task of business owners quite simple

The experts in the field of selling goods overseas or abroad make the lives of the good exporters quite simple and stress-free. The exporters or goods owners need not worry about the tough and lengthy procedure that is connected with selling the goods overseas, due to their genuine and experienced export overseas working experience. In case the owners of the goods have to sell their goods overseas personally they can face many problems in this task, but by availing of the services of trained and expert dealers or experts, they can get rid of these problems or troubles.

Reliable service

When business owners or traders sell their products overseas they try their best to ensure that their products reach its buyer or customer. In this way, these experts make the task of sending student car shipping goods overseas most appropriate and reliable, for both businessmen sending their products overseas and the customer located overseas receiving the given product.

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